I watched in horror, as the Mad Butcher’s terrifying cleaver waved back and forth.
He exploded in fast Italian:
“How can people just come into my store & start to take photos... before even saying hello?”
I understood in a flash!
I snapped at my friend to put his camera away.
Then, I turned to the Mad Butcher and said, calmly:
“Buongiorno, io parlo Italiano.”
In an instant, his grimace softened and changed to a smile.
We spoke in Italian for a while...
He asked me where we were from, where we were staying in Tuscany, and finally, he asked how I had learned such good Italian.
Before we left, he even gave me a list of his favourite local restaurants:
“You won’t find any tourists in these places! Just tell them the Mad Butcher sent you!”
We spent the rest of the trip feeling like true insiders, as we hopped from one of the Mad Butcher’s “hidden gems” to the next…
Soaking up the atmosphere and local culture…
And speaking Italiano every step of the way!
Why You Must Learn Italian Before Your Trip To Italy
The Mad Butcher of Panzano is a local celebrity.
His walls are plastered with newspaper clippings about his shop.
But all this attention has resulted in one thing:
A steady stream of tourists who take photos in his shop ... without so much as saying hello!
No wonder he was mad!
But you don't have to be one of "those" tourists...
As I found out, when you speak Italian to locals on a trip to Italy, everything changes:
Learning To Speak Italian Transforms You From Brazen Tourist To Welcome Visitor Able To Converse With The Locals, Learn About Local Culture & Make Friends That Last A Lifetime.
Little did I know learning Italian would also help me cheat death at the hands of a butcher’s knife!
You see, I had learned Italian the year before arriving in Tuscany.
I learned Italian in only 3 months, using a strange “upside-down” method that gave me a high level of fluency and confidence.
(I’ll tell you how the method works in just a minute.)
But after 3 months, my Italian was so good that I was able to:
- Quickly put together long, coherent sentences in smooth Italian
- Express myself accurately, with a large range of vocabulary
- Understand native speakers with ease... however fast they spoke!
But here's what's interesting:
I Learned Italian By Doing The Exact Opposite Of Most Methods!
In fact, there were:
- No boring textbooks
- No tortuous grammar rules
- No endless rote learning
Thanks to these skills, I was able to tame the Mad Butcher of Panzano, receive "insider tips" galore, and enjoy a trip that will live long in the memory!
With your permission, I’d like to explain a bit about the method and how it works...
“I Feel Tongue-Tied When I Try To Speak Italian!”
My name is Olly Richards.
And perhaps the most interesting fact about me is that I’ve taught myself eight languages.
I’m also an author and teacher, and my learning methods have helped thousands of people around the world to successfully learn a second language.
In the summer of 2018, I decided to demonstrate my learning methods by learning Italian myself in 3 months.
But unlike traditional methods, where you end up "thinking in rules" and getting lost in real conversations...
My Approach Helped Me Develop A Curious Level Of Fluency - Enough To Impress Even The Maddest Butcher!
Why does this matter?
Because most Italian students have a pretty hard time learning to speak Italian in the real world.
It’s not uncommon to hear students say:
“I’ve been learning Italian on and off for years, but I still feel mostly lost when trying to follow conversations of real people. I can get by in restaurants and grocery stores, but I feel tongue-tied when I try to speak!”
- Debbi
Tongue-tied? Feeling lost?
We can't have that!
But perhaps you know what being tongue-tied in a foreign language feels like?
You see, with traditional learning methods, you:
- Work through a series of planned lessons (usually with a textbook)
- Learn grammar rules
- Memorise lists of words
These traditional methods might be well-suited to a classroom...
But they have one big drawback when it comes to speaking Italian in the real world:
Traditional Language Learning Methods Leave You Tongue-Tied When You Come Face-to-Face With Native Speakers & Want to Actually Communicate
Luckily, the method I used to learn Italian was anything but traditional...
And, frankly, the method might not make any sense to you... (At first)
But if you're serious about learning Italian, then what I'm about to show you is important.
And if you’re planning a trip to Italy, and you’d like to elevate your experience from tourist to "insider"...
Then I’d like to take a few minutes to explain how it works.
The day you come face-to-face with the Mad Butcher of Panzano, you’ll be glad I did!
Here’s how this method works:
In a traditional method, you start with the rules of Italian, and work from the ground up.
With my method, I worked from the sky down!
(That’s why I call it an "upside-down" method.)
To start, I created a special “immersion environment” in Italian that was suitable for me as a beginner.
I dug up good beginner Italian learner material from the internet, local bookshops and libraries.
Then, every day for an entire month, I sat down and immersed myself in the beautiful sounds of Italian.
You might be wondering:
“But how did you actually learn Italian if you didn’t actually study it? I’ve been learning for ages, and I still get lost in conversations!”
Well, I’ll let you into a little secret:
The secret to learning through immersion, is to carefully choose Italian material that’s just above your current level.
This way:
Italian "Learns Itself" Naturally, In The Background, While You Relax & Immerse Yourself In The Beautiful Sounds Of The Language!
You probably share the intuition that "immersion" in language learning is quite a good thing. But you're not quite sure how to make it work.
(Am I right?)
Well, where most people go wrong with immersion is that they learn with Italian material that’s far too hard for them.
If your material is too hard, you won’t learn a thing.
Dr. Stephen Krashen, professor emeritus at the University of Southern California, says it best:

“We acquire language in only one way: When we understand what people say and when we understand what we read.” - Dr. Stephen Krashen, USC
Forget the Fellini movies and the Harry Potter translations… they’re just a bit too hard! (For now)
Instead, immerse yourself in Italian material at your level.
That’s what I did…
I immersed myself in Italian material at my level.
And, sure enough, Italian slowly started to make sense...
- New words started to stick in my head…
- Grammar started to sound natural...
- And I was having more funthan ever before!
That’s the beauty of immersion… it works in the background, as you go about your life!
Now, for the whole first month my Italian project, I hadn't spoken a word.
But after one month, I felt ready.
So I decided to speak Italian for the first time…
I Spoke Italian for the First Time And…Ugh!
I was excited to see what would happen when I finally put all my immersion to the test…
Here’s what happened when I did…
(Click play & turn up the sound!)
It wasn’t quite as easy as I’d hoped!
I was groping for words, getting confused, and struggling to speak in complete sentences.
I felt discouraged.
After a whole month of study, I hoped to have more to show for it!
It seemed like my entire month of immersion had been wasted, and the experiment was going to be a dismal failure.
“Maybe I should have taken some actual Italian lessons... like any normal person!”
Luckily, I had a secret weapon… Martina!
The girl you see in video was Martina Scattolin, an Italian friend from Venice.
Martina isn’t just a friend, though… she’s also a highly experienced teacher.
And, with her experience, Martina spotted something interesting in my Italian…
"Prepositions - I'm very impressed with your knowledge of them. Prepositions are a hard topic because they're so different in each language. But I think the listening that you did gave you a kind of a frame to use the prepositions."
So, although my speaking was far from fluent… some magic was happening behind the scenes:
I Began To Understand Italian Grammar…Without Studying A Thing!
It made perfect sense…
You see, although I'd spent ZERO time learning or memorising rules, I’d spent TONNES of time immersed in the language.
Simply by paying attention to what I was reading and hearing, certain areas of Italian grammar had naturally begun to “sound right”.
My brain had begun to get used to Italian grammar... all by itself!
But it wasn't just those pesky Italian prepositions. (The arch-nemesis of all Italian students!)
Other parts of Italian grammar also started to “sound right” to me:
- verb tenses
- ci & ne
- the gender of nouns
Much of the grammar that reliably brings Italian students to tears had begun to make sense in my brain in the most natural way.
What's more I was enjoying the process of learning Italian, without fighting a constant battle to memorise more and more rules.
Excited, I decided to press on...
Don’t “Learn” Grammar…
Uncover It!
As I entered month two of my project to learn Italian, I decided to “double-down” on the immersion method that was working so well for me.
I spent all my free time reading and listening to Italian:
- Intermediate learner material
- Podcasts
- YouTube channels
- Blogs
I also spoke Italian regularly with Martina.
In these sessions, Martina would help me iron out my grammar mistakes.
But she didn’t teach me grammar.
She didn’t correct my Italian either.
Rather, she used her expert knowledge of Italian to help me notice where I said something wrong.
She would then help me "uncover" the grammar for myself:
I Learned Italian Grammar By “Uncovering” Grammar From Real Situations … Reading, Listening and Speaking.
The result was that I quickly became extremely confident speaking Italian.
I could speak in long, accurate sentences:
It was natural, fun, and my speaking improved very quickly...
- Without having to “run verb tables through my mind”
- Without worrying about forgetting conjugations
- And without getting confused over verb tenses
It was natural, fun, and my speaking improved very quickly.
As I continued to post videos of me speaking Italian on YouTube, comments from viewers began to validate my progress:
I Jumped On A Plane To Italy!
The “immersion method” was working a charm!
- My vocabulary began to expand exponentially…
- My grammar became more and more natural...
- And speaking Italian with real people started to become second-nature!
All I had to do was read and listen to Italian every day...
Driving my level up by finding gradually more difficult immersion material.
...and I did this all from the comfort of my home!
(It was the most natural method in the world... when you’re living with Italian every day, it’s impossible not to learn!)
But as the three months drew to a close, it was time for the ultimate test - a trip to Italy!
Was I going to be able to travel to Italy and:
- Have the courage to speak Italian ... without being terrified of making mistakes?
- Be able to connect to locals as a real person… not as a tourist?
- Discover more about local culture in Italian ... without relying on English as a crutch?
Well, here’s what happened…
In my short time in Venice, I discovered the best way to put a smile on the face of the people you meet -- speak Italian!
My “immersion” method over the last three months had been the perfect preparation for traveling to Italy.
The Biggest Thrill Of All Was To Enjoy Italian For The Beautiful Language It Is, Rather Than A Never-Ending Series Of Mental Exercises!
There’s nothing like relaxing next to a Venetian canal, speaking Italian and drinking cappuccinos…
It was an Italian dream come true!
Yes, I was a tourist.
But when everyone else is speaking English the fastest way to make local friends is by speaking Italian!
In Under Three Months, I’d Learned A New Language That Opened Up New Doors, Brought New Friends Into My Life & Introduced A New Culture Which Has Changed My Life!
...and even helped me survive a close encounter with the Mad Butcher of Panzano - who would have guessed?
Now it’s time to explain how you can do this too...
Are You Ready To Learn Italian Through Immersion?
If you’re interested in learning Italian the same way I did…
Then you might be interested in my new Italian programme for beginners.
I’ve “bottled up” everything I learned about Italian and created an exciting online course that guides you step-by-step through learning Italian the very same way I did:
- A complete curriculum for beginner Italian learners, with learning guidance from me throughout to make sure you learn the right way
- All "immersion" material prepared for you, so you can begin enjoying reading and listening to Italian at the right level without wasting time searching for the right material
- Full language instruction from Martina herself, so you can learn with the exact same explanations and shortcuts that helped me “uncover” the grammar and learn Italian so quickly!
I've joined forces with Martina to create the most exciting, fun and differentItalian programme you’ll find anywhere...
Italian Uncovered
Italian Uncovered!
Italian Uncovered is my contribution to the world of language learning for independent language learners everywhere!
The course takes you from complete beginner to intermediate (B1 on the CEFR), so you can :
- Converse with people in confident Italian, deepen existing relationships and make new friends
- Understand natural spoken Italian, so you can travel around Italy as an “insider”... not just another tourist
- Indulge your passion for the Italian way of life, and deepen your knowledge of Italian culture by reading in the original language
- Start a new life in Italy, apply for Italian-language jobs, and undertake any project that requires a good level of Italian
- Keep your brain fit and agile, performing “mental pushups” while enjoying a method that puts fun and enjoyment at the centre of the learning process
Curious how the course works?
Who Is The Man In The Hat?
In order to understand how Italian Uncovered works, you need to know about the man in the hat.
Or L’Uomo Del Cappello in Italian.
You might have spotted him, up on the Rialto bridge:

(He’s hiding for a reason. But you’ll have to read the story to find out why!)
You see, the Italian Uncovered course is built around a story - L’Uomo Del Cappello - and the story is the engine of the course.
L’Uomo Del Cappello is written over 20 chapters, and it's where you get the immersion you need for the method to work.
The story is written in simple Italian, so the immersion works at your level, right from the start...even as a complete beginner!
Italian Uncovered Gives You Immersion In Italian Through The Power Of Story, Even As A Complete Beginner, With No Previous Knowledge Of Italian
Stories are supposed to be fun, and this is no exception!
Three friends find a mysterious note left in a dusty library book, and set off to travel around Italy, following clues left by the man in the hat.
The story is full of suspense, and by following the method I teach in the course, you’ll be amazed how you can read and enjoy the story, even if you can’t imagine understanding anything in Italian right now!
You'll be impressed how learning through story keeps you motivated... especially if you've had trouble staying motivated with languages in the past.
Italian Uncovered is as comprehensive as any other Italian programme, but it won’t feel like study at all, because L’Uomo Del Cappello introduces Italian grammar and vocabulary naturally, as part of the story.
Here’s an overview of the 4-Step Uncovered system:
- Step 1: Immerse - Immerse yourself in Italian by reading and listening to the story L’Uomo Del Cappello
- Step 2: Learn - Learn vocabulary and grammar with teaching videos from Martina that help you Uncover vocabulary and grammar from the story naturally
- Step 3: Consolidate - Internalise what you’ve learned with creative practice exercises
- Step 4: Activate - Practise what you’ve learned with pronunciation and speaking exercises designed to activate what you’ve learned
You'll begin by reading the first chapter of L’Uomo Del Cappello story and listening to the accompanying audiobook.
This gives you a taste of immersion right from the start!
But unlike traditional methods, we don’t ask you to learn or memorise anything from the story! (I told you it was different!)
We don’t even ask you to understand everything you’re reading at first! Oh no, you simply enjoy immersing yourself in Italian … without feeling like you're studying at all!
An extract from Chapter 1 of the story.
This immersive experience builds your ability to cope with real Italian from the very first day.
Over time, this is what ultimately helps you speak Italian so well - you’re building a linguistic foundation that's sharper than a butcher’s cleaver!
After reading the story in Italian, you can check your understanding with a full English translation, so you can follow the plot and keep up with the story.
Each chapter features a short comprehension quiz like this one so you can check your understanding of the story.
Now comes the magic!
Imagine you had an Italian person standing over your shoulder, pointing out useful words and explaining interesting sentences as you read the story.
- Words explained
- Sentences made clear
- Questions answered
Well, that’s exactly what you get with Italian Uncovered!
In over 80 special video lessons, you'll feel like you're sitting with Martina one-on-one, as she offer you some of the very same explanations and shortcuts she taught me!
Martina takes key Italian words, phrases and grammar that you've already encountered in the story, and guides you toward understanding them naturally from the context of the story.
In fact, the magic of Italian Uncovered is that we hardly have to "teach" at all… we just help you notice the important Italian from the story, and give you a few little nudges just to make sure you understand.
This ensures new words stick more easily and your brain learns grammar intuitively.
COGNATES: Grow your vocabulary instantly by identifying Italian words with a shared root in English...
As you can see, we teach you Italian by building your knowledge from within the pages of the story.
It’s a magical process, and we're with you every step of the way!
In fact, you'll even have me (Olly!) "drop in" at strategic points throughout the course to share pro tips about language learning, so you’re becoming an independent learner at the same time.
After each lesson, there are worksheets with creative exercises to help you consolidate what you’ve learned from the story.
Unlike traditional methods, however, our activities don't aim to "teach"...
The activities and practice exercises in Italian Uncovered help you:
- Review and practice Italian you’ve learned from the story, so you develop a strong memory through a process of review
- Introduce new vocabulary, so you can expand your working vocabulary far beyond what you find in the story itself
- Perform creative tasks with what you’ve learned, so you learn to actually use what you’ve learned in real situations, not just “collect new information”
A sneak peek inside the beautifully designed Italian Uncovered member area.
One of the vocabulary worksheets you'll use to internalise your Italian knowledge during the course.
You’ll love how fun learning is when you can easily memorise new things naturally, without any rote learning!
Learning to express yourself fully in Italian, without freezing up, forgetting words, or taking ages to form a sentence, is a central aim of this course.
That’s why, in Uncovered, at the end of every module, we bridge the gap from the classroom to the real world with pronunciation training and speaking activities that take what you’ve learned from the story, and help you activate it through controlled speaking exercises you can use by yourself or with an Italian-speaking friend or tutor.
Pronunciation Training: Martina teaches you the sounds of Italian, step-by-step, in glorious HD video. After learning the basic sounds of the language, you’ll then embed the sounds in some of the tricky words and phrases from the story!
You’ll quickly reduce any foreign accent you may have and speak Italian with more confidence:
Martina teaching the nuances of Italian pronunciation
Speaking Packs: In each chapter, you'll find a set of speaking activities for two people. These packs are written in Italian, so you can literally hand the pack to an Italian-speaking friend, partner or tutor. They’ll read the instruction and instantly have a selection of exciting activities to help you practice what you’ve learned from the story.
(Since there is no “live” component to Italian Uncovered, you can study the course at a pace that suits you, so you can learn most effectively without falling behind.)
You'll immerse yourself in Italian through our compelling story.
And students love it...

"Your Italian Materials Are Astounding!"
"These courses are worth every penny!"

Is Italian Uncovered For You?
So, you might be asking if Italian Uncovered is the right level for you.
Let's take a look:
Italian Uncovered is designed for complete beginners. It's everything you need to learn Italian from day one.
My goal is for this to be the last Italian programme you EVER need!
What if you’re not a complete beginner? Perhaps you've learned some Italian before, but never got very far?
If that's you, then Italian Uncovered is the best way to refresh your knowledge and keep learning!
The magic of learning through story is that you can simultaneously review what you already know while learning new things!
You'll start the course in some familiar territory and quickly move on to new things as you progress towards intermediate Italian!
Are you an intermediate Italian learner?
Can you already speak Italian comfortably and understand most of what you hear?
Then sorry, but Italian Uncovered isn’t for you. Please drop me a line about my intermediate programmes and I'd be happy to recommend something more suitable for you.
Join Italian Uncovered Today!

So, let’s talk about the investment involved in enrolling in Italian Uncovered today.
While preparing this information, I had a look at fees for enrolling in the Società Dante Alighieri in London - a popular place to learn Italian here in the UK.
Their equivalent courses that take you from beginner to intermediate level in Italian cost US $2,811 (GBP £2,120).
Now, Dante Alighieri is excellent, and I have no doubt their course is great. However, by working online, I’m able to offer my programmes at a fraction of the cost.
Italian Uncovered is a complete programme that will take you from your very first steps in Italian all the way to an intermediate speaker of Italian, able to travel to Italy, communicate confidently with locals, and gain a deeper appreciation of Italian culture.
And you can learn from anywhere...in your own time. (No late-night evening classes required!)
That’s why I’m happy to offer enrolment in Italian Uncovered for an investment of only US $297 (GBP £224).
Here's how to get started & enrol in the course:
- Click the button below
- You'll be taken to an order form
- Enter your details at checkout
- You'll get instant access to Italian Uncovered!
Price today: Only $297 (USD)

Get started now!
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
I’m a big believer in fairness, so I offer a 100% money-back guarantee for Italian Uncovered.
Join today & try out the course. If it’s not for you, simply email us any time in the next 30 days.
My friendly customer service team will promptly refund every penny you paid for the course.
It's my cast-iron guarantee.
Sound fair?
(Can your local language school offer this guarantee?)
I'm sure that if you join Italian Uncovered and commit to the programme... and watch how quickly you learn when you do... you're unlikely to want to take advantage of this guarantee!
But the guarantee is there nonetheless, for your peace of mind.
It's the right thing to do, and allows you to join with confidence today.
What Is Speaking Real Italian Worth To You?
If you’ve read this far, I know what you really care about is making Italian a part of your life, so you can travel to Italy and communicate meaningfully with the people you meet.
- Perhaps you've been putting off getting started with Italian?
- Perhaps you've never found the right time?
- Perhaps you've studied Italian before... but never found a method that excited you?
Either way, think about this:
If another year passes, and you still can't speak confident Italian with the people you meet… is that acceptable to you?
I know it wouldn't be for me. Not any more.
Now ask yourself how different your next trip to Italy could be when you can easily strike up a conversation in Italian, and understand what comes back at you!
In Italian Uncovered, Martina and I will help you:
- Fully express yourself in Italian as an independent, confident speaker
- Make the most of your next trip to Italy, able to speak at will with the people you meet
- Transform your relationship with Italian speakers close to you, as you can communicate in their own language
- Learn about Italian culture, watch your favourite movies, or read your favourite authors in the original Italian, and understand the true meaning of their words
I've created this programme so you can make Italian a reality in your life, and experience what it's like to find true joy in language learning.
As you will see below, my students all around the world are finding extraordinary success using my Uncovered courses and I'd love for you to be my next success story!
To your success,
"Your Uncovered Resources Are Ridiculously Good!"
"You've been one of the more thorough language learning teachers on the internet. Not to diminish other language teachers but it seems like no one offers a lot of the resources that you offer. Your Uncovered resources are ridiculously good!" - Zak
"I Was Ahead Of My Peers"
"When I started Uncovered, I was around A2 and needed something to solidify my knowledge of the basics. The idea of learning through stories is what interested me the most.
Even from the first lessons, I felt like I got a lot of value from the pronunciation tips and the cognates review. When I started my B1 courses I had a solid foundation and I was ahead of my peers on word recognition and pronunciation! Uncovered was certainly part of my toolkit".
- Eloy from Peru
"Truly Inspirational Learning Material"

Price today: Only $297 (USD)
Learn In Your Own Time & Become Fluent Faster
Italian Uncovered is a self-study course that you take online.
As a self-study course, you learn at your own pace.
You also have lifetime access... so there's no risk of falling behind!
You’ll be pleased to know that Italian Uncovered is extremely easy to use, and has been designed with the "tech phobic" in mind!
So, even if you’re not great with technology or confident with computers, you'll be able to navigate the course with ease, on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet... or even your phone... so you can focus on learning Italian, not battling with your iPad!
But, in the unlikely event you do run into any tech trouble, our friendly customer support team are always available to help you out.
- Easy-to-Use Member Area:Makes browsing the course and access the course materials a delight
- Responsive Design: Access the course from any computer, table or mobile device
- Fully Downloadable Materials: Download all course materials to your device, so you can study in places where your internet connection is unreliable!
- Interactive Discussion Areas: within each lesson mean you can ask questions about anything you learn on the course and get a reply from myself or Martina
- Free Lifetime Updates - Any improvements or additions that are made to the course in the future, you get FREE. So you can join Italian Uncovered today, safe in the knowledge that you'll always have the most up-to-date version!
- World-Class Customer Support - I have a fantastic, dedicated customer support team who love helping you out. If you do run into any technical trouble, for whatever reason (however small!), you can rest assured there will be help at hand, and it won't stop you learning!
Perfect For Busy People
Since Italian Uncovered is based around self-study and online learning, it is particularly suited to busy people!
The great thing about learning with our “story” method is that it takes LESS TIME than your traditional classes.
In fact, all the course components have been designed to be studied in chunks of around 15 minutes.
There’s no need to disrupt your week with evening classes, or travel to meet teachers. You can do your reading and listening literally ANYWHERE, at home, on the train, or in your favourite Italian cafe.
If you have periods of 15-30 minutes free during your day, then there really is NO EXCUSE for not getting started right now with Italian Uncovered...even if you’re still in the middle of another programme or textbook.
Olly and Martina spent months planning, researching, creating and recording Italian Uncovered to create an entirely new experience for learning Italian...

Price today: Only $297 (USD)