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Grammar Hero: Japanese (Intermediate)
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Mission 1: サプライズプレゼント
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 2: 金魚とピアノ
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 3: カフェ
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 4: 魔法の森
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 5: アンドロイド
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 6: 引っ越し
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 7: ケンの帽子屋
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 8: ペンションの朝
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 9: 王女の1日
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 10: 宇宙旅行
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 11: トシさん
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 12: 僕の恋人
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 13: マヤとおばあちゃん
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 14: 家族旅行
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 15: 佐藤君と私
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 16: 優しいタクシー運転手
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 17: スパでの出会い
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 18: 桜の木の下
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 19: タワーマンションに住む彼
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
Mission 20: 花
Step 1: Discover
Step 2: Learn
Step 3: Internalise
Step 4: Activate
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